Stihl 461 Chainsaw Recall

Stihl 461 Chainsaw Recall

STIHL Recalls 461 Model chainsaw Due to Fire and Burn Hazards

Stihl has recalled the 461 chainsaw due to leaking or pinched fuel lines, The fuel line which can leak, can create a  fire and burn hazard. It is recommended to inspect and replace before you use these chainsaws.

The following chainsaw are being recalled:

  • MS 461
  • MS 461 R
  • MS 461 R Rescue
  • GS 461 Rock Boss

This recall involving STIHL MS 461 gas-powered chainsaws, and the MS 461 R chainsaw with a wrap handle. The model number is on the model plate, located on the starter cover. The chain saws are gray and orange with “STIHL” on the engine cover. Recalled chainsaws have a serial number between 173092800 and 181993952 under the front hand guard on the engine housing’s sprocket side.

stihl 461 Chainsaw Recall

The recommendation is that owners of the stihl 461 Chainsaw immediately stop using them.

Recall date:
February 23, 2017

STIHL MS 461 R has the added wrap-around handle.

The MS 461 R Rescue has a tool holder, extra-large wrap-around handle, chip defector, and can have an optional depth limiter. It is often used by structural firefighters, according to STIHL, “to use trouble spots, provide additional ventilation, or help with Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) operations”

The GS 461 Rock Boss is for cutting concrete.

The Stihl 461 chainsaw has been cited in at several reports of a different problem — a vapor lock that can result in the engine dying. When the operator removes the gas cap to check on the fuel level, occasionally a “fuel geyser” sprays pressurized gas. This has caused serious burn injuries when the fuel ignites.

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